Friday, January 20, 2012

A Letter to Xander Who is 3


You are three today! You are such an amazing little person. Very strong willed and sweet at the same time. It’s exasperating how strong willed you are. You definitely know what you want and it’s not food. I really don’t know how you have so much energy with what little food you will eat. Your favorite things to eat are a bowl of peanut butter and honey, apple sauce and yogurt drinks. Most of the time you will eat sweet potatoes and yogurt but not always. Sometimes you will eat cheese or peanut butter toast. And rarely you will eat macaroni and cheese- but not very often. You will always eat candy or cookies if given the opportunity. This year was the first year you would even try your own birthday cake.

At bedtime after your have been read stories and the lights are all off. It’s time to sing a song before you lay down. You usually want Bunny Foo Foo or Hotel California or a new song Daddy decides to sing- but what you really like lately is counting to 100. You love to count together. Sometimes I can hear you practicing by yourself as fast as you can. You love numbers more than anything. You also love to count backwards. You know all your ABC’s, your colors, and your shapes but you are way more interested in anything to do with numbers. You have made Grandma Ginger sit with you many many times just so that you could watch the clock as it changed minutes and with each minute change you call out the new time or the number it changed to. It it all very exciting for you when it changes.

I can’t imagine life without you. You have the best smile! When I see that smile it makes me smile. You love music and dancing to it. Lost of music with a fast pace or defined beat is what seems to attract you. It really gets you moving. For a three year old you can be very opinionated about music. You have a great sense of humor and like to try and fool us and both of your grandmothers. I think you will be telling jokes like you dad very soon.

You absolutely love sports. Right now your favorite sports are baseball and golf. I think you could hit a golf ball around the yard for hours.

I can’t wait to see what this year will bring as you start to talk more and tell us more things. I love you so much!

