Saturday, March 28, 2009

A little history, A little insight.

My husband decided the week I go back to work to go on a business trip to Las Vegas. I didn't even have time to acclimate myself to a schedule! I have survived though. I don't think he should be allowed to go anywhere when his teenage daughter is here and basically on lockdown for breaking all kinds of rules! It's actually easier to deal with my newborn and preschooler combined than it is one teenager. They are so damn moody. Jeez!

My first week at work after a two month maternity leave went okay. The first few days I was fine. I think I was looking forward to the break from the kids. But by the time Friday rolled around I was really missing them.

I haven't felt as deep of an attachment to my son as I did my daughter when she was born, whether it's because she was my first or she was a girl- I have no idea. I have really struggled to find an attachment, something. I love him as much as my daughter and I can't imagine him not being here. It's weird. I'll catch myself with both my kids and I'll look at them and think I can't believe I am the mother of two children. I have been pregnant and carried these people for nine months and now here they are. It's truly mind boggling and yet it all just fits and makes sense. What is that? Thursday night for days of working and being seperated from my kids- I felt this longing for my son like I always have my daughter. I was holding him and looking at him and I almost started crying. I know when he's older I will be way more attached. I forgot how much I really don't like the newborn stage. I prefer the more verbal, interactive stages.

I missed the cuddly newborn stage with my daughter and I wanted another baby to cuddle. (Isn't that why we have more?) My daughter wasn't the cuddly type. By two months she just wanted to be put down. She preferred to lay on her baby exercise gym and look up at all the toys rather than have us hold her. She fought sleep and was a pretty tough kid. Sleep was her only needy time. She's about the same today. Super independent and the biggest sponge I have ever met. She wants to learn anything and everything as fast as she can.

My son- he may end up to be very similar. He's almost 10 weeks old and wouldn't you know it, he has decided he'd rather be in his bouncy seat then have us hold him. He has taken it one step further though. He prefers to be fed his bottle in his bouncy seat rather then have us hold him. I think he's a pretty tough kid as well. He was born almost a month early and they told me he would have to spend a minimum of 24 hours in NICU for observation- but he never even had to go.

I look at him and he's growing so fast! He has filled out and lost the angry old man look. He has started to smile at us and coo a little. His eyelashes seem to be growing by the day. I can't believe it. I was so worried about having a little boy with red hair but I love his soft, fuzzy, little red head. It's so cute! I can't wait to see who he turns into.

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