Friday, June 5, 2009

You, are a Turd named Mom.

This is what my three almost four year old said to me. She actually waved her finger at me as if she were casting a spell, making me a Turd. How can you help but laugh at that. I wouldn't let her dust so that's what I get. I'm a Turd. I don't even know where she learned the word Turd- and she wouldn't or couldn't tell me. It's not something that's in my vocabulary or anyone else that she knows- that I'm aware of. It had to be that evil t.v.! She's hilarious and the things that come out of her mouth are surprising.


April 12th 2009
"I don't want to call this movie Wall-e, I want to call it Blueberry Pancakes"

April 16th 2009
"I'm not that little I'm three I can totally reach everything"

May 3rd
Always go poopy with an adult because if you don't, it's a safety violation.

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