Monday, June 20, 2011

A Letter to Peyton who is 6


I can’t believe you are 6 years old and at the same time I feel like you have always been with me. I am so amazed by your intelligence and personality. You are so smart and you come up with the funniest stuff. As a kindergartner you just tested into the gifted program at your school. No one in your family was surprised by the outcome. We all expected it because we know how smart you are. You are very interested in science and the weather. You have said that when you grow up you want to be a meteorologist. I have tried to foster your interest in science. You ask so many questions about science related things! I wish I had paid more attention in science class- it was never something I was interested in. Although, I am finding a new love for it through your eyes. For your birthday you asked for a “make your own” volcano kit. It wasn’t very interesting. I think we will have to find something that is a little more interesting than the kit. You also asked for a microscope and a science kit. I think we will wait a little while on the microscope!

You love books. Together you and I mostly read chapter books (at bedtime) We are currently reading The Secret Garden. And we just finished the 1st book in the Kingdom Keepers series. I’m trying to convince you to read Harry Potter. You are worried that it will be scary. I think Kingdom Keepers was scarier.

You lost your first two front bottom teeth in March this year and you are about to lose your two front top teeth.

You are such a beautiful girl. Sometimes I look at you and think how on earth did I carry that little person for 9 months! You are so amazing for all that you are.

You get more and more amazing everyday.


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