Monday, April 6, 2009

So it begins

I am going to try again to exercise and lose weight. I tried before and I tried blogging about it before but there was no one to hold me accountable. Except myself of course. Well that didn't work very well. So I'm trying again. I have lost all of my baby weight with Xander but I never lost my baby weight with Peyton. On top of that I already needed to lose weight. Luckily I'm not wearing maternity clothes but my clothes just don't fit the same. Things aren't in the right place.

I'm not comfortable posting my weight. I know the my 1st major goal is 50 Lbs- cause then I want to get a new tattoo. I can't have one till I do that! I don't think I can lose 50 Lbs in six months but we will see. I want to do a 5K in 6 months. I figure that will give me enough time to get ready. The 1st three months I'm just going to concentrate on walking and losing weight. The last three months I will add in running and see how I'm doing with it. I am very nervous about even signing up for a 5K. I feel kinda stupid for even considering it. It's just not something I ever pictured myself doing. I wasn't really raised this way. Not motivated by fitness I guess. I don't want my kids thinking that. I want to be that person that is addicted to fitness. I don't see that happening but you never know. I walked Saturday and Sunday night. Bought a new pair of walking/running shoes on Sunday and some hand weights on Saturday. The hand weights really make a difference. It's amazing! It's supposed to tone your arms while you walk. I can see how it would. After two days my arms were so tired.

My first realistic goal is to be able to fit into the pants I was wearing before I got pregnant with Peyton. Then I would go on from there. I currently have a lot of clothes that I can't wear! It'd be nice to either wear them of clean out my closet if they are outdated.

I have this skirt from my senior year of high school I always thought I was big then but I wasn't as big as I thought. If I could just fit into that skirt someday I think I would be happy. My husband would probably be happy as well because that is the size I was when we first met! I wonder if it's possible? Only time will tell I suppose.

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