Wednesday, April 8, 2009

To Easter Bunny or not to Easter Bunny

Millions of people dress their kids up every year in their special Sunday dresses and little suits just to get their picture taken with an unknown person in a bunny costume. Why? Why did this become a multi-million dollar machine? What's so fabulous about these pictures? They aren't that great... You don't get very many of them, it's really expensive... I have seen crazy moms that remind me of stage mothers. Their five year old little girls in tow decked out with make up and hairspray and the whole nine yards. It's not a model shoot. It's the Easter Bunny- at the mall!

I've been debating on making the trek to see the Easter Bunny. It's not a fun thing to do. My daughter is almost 4 and my son isn't even 3 months old. My daughter is terrified of Santa Clause and refused to go near the Easter Bunny the last time we took her. So I think it's safe to say- she's scared of him as well. I don't want to drive all the way to the mall, stand in line with two cranky kids just to get up to the front of the line and realize it was all a waste of time. Not to mention, do I hand over my infant son to the person in the giant bunny costume? Those furry paws can make someone really clumsy.

So really what's the point. Because I need to allow my kids to have these memories. I don't recall seeing the Easter Bunny as a child. I certinally don't have any pictures to remind me of these incidents. When I was a kid the Easter Bunny was an elusive giant bunny. He'd come and bring candy and an Easter Basket for me. He will do the same for my kids- but do they really need to be forced to stand in line for hours and sit in his lap just get their picture taken. I'm just not seeing the point here. An I missing something?

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